Our goats range in size from 9” to 11”, and our success is usually 100% opportunityHunting Rates are variable, please call
Our season starts from August 1st to October. The weather is usually stable and the goats’ coats are getting nice as fall sets in and provides us with the first frosty nights.
The Skeena and Rocky Mountains of British Columbia are well known for producing record book quality mountain goats. Our goats range in size from 9” to 11” Our success is usually 100% opportunity. The reason for our great success on mountain goat hunts is the terrain. We hunt our goats between 5,000 and 6,000 feet in elevation. In several locations, the hike to the tree-line is only 2 to 4 hours and the use of some cut trails make it quite manageable for most hunters in good physical condition.
Our guides area also has some very remote goat hunting locations where the hike through the forest takes you to some ranges that have possibly never seen hunters before. These goat hunts are as physically demanding as one would expect but can produce some great trophy Goats! The Skeena and Rocky Mountains in our area have produced numerous excellent mountain goats over the past decade.
We have several locations that we recommend to seasoned hunters that are still in relative good shape but can’t do the steep climbs or bush-whacking grunts that most mountain goat hunts are so well known for. If you are not confident in your physical ability to do a goat hunt please give us a call and we will describe these “easier” locations in detail to you and let you decide if that could be right for you.
These majestic animals live between elevations of 5000 and 6000 feet .We pick you up from Prince George or Smithers and transport you to a base camp to prepare for the hunt. In some cases we may take you directly to the spike camp. From there we take our mountain tents and supplies and hike up to tree-line. Mountain goat hunting can last anywhere from 2 hours to 8 days, depending on the weather. To hunt mountain goats in Canada, the hunter need not be a marathon runner but should be in fairly good shape. The better your condition, the more you will enjoy your goat hunt.
We also have some great locations that lend themselves to combination hunts for goat, moose, grizzly bear, black bear and wolf.
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Call them now at 778-349-0105