What you need to know about booking a HuntWhat We Provide on Your Hunt
While on hunt, we provide all meals, accommodations, transportation to and from airport (Prince George)and field care of your meat and trophies. We provide field caping, and freezing of your moose cape. Ask us for details on meat cutting and taxidermy preparation.
We can arrange during hunt for pick up at Prince George Airport or provide a detailed map in the event you are driving. Upon booking your hunt we will email you our information kit.
You need to arrive after 3:00 pm on the start date to settle in, confirm your rifle is on, have dinner and meet your guide and the crew to plan your hunt. Departure is after breakfast to allow the crew to prepare for the next hunt. Additional days may be purchased on a day rate if available.
Hunting Seasons – Schedules for 2024
Spring Bear – May 1st – June 15th
Wolf – Dec 10th – March 31st
Spring Grizzly Bear – Cancelled by Government
Mountain Goat – August 15th
Canadian Moose – Sept 10th – November 5th
Fall Grizzly Bear – Cancelled by Government
Elk – September 10th – October 20th
Late Season Mule Deer – November
White Tail Deer – September 10th – November 31st
Fishing (Outfitted only)
This package can be added to Hunting Packages
Extra Costs and Services
- Extra trips to town by Expeditors or staff for tags , supplies , lost baggage or unscheduled airport pick up will be subject to a $250 fee payable in advance.
- Black Bear can be added to most hunts for an additional $2500.
- We have accommodations for non-hunting companions, per day….$300.00
- SCA – Hunt Preservation Fund Fee ……………………………………………$250.00
- GST Tax when rebate applies………………………………………………………………..5.0%
Important information
Facts about Firearm Regulations for Non-Residents
Please visit the government website for detailed information – Click here.
Download the Non-Resident Firearm Declaration
All Government fees are based on 2024 rates and subject to change. Hunt dates are tentative and subject to change. Any wounding of Game is considered fatal and the rest of the hunt will be spent looking for the game until outfitter is satisfied. Royalties are due at the end of the hunt.
G.S.T. Tax 5% is applicable on everything. Hunt price does not include Hunting License, Species Tags and Non-Resident Hunter Preservation Fund Fee or GST tax. All deposits are non-refundable, we suggest cancellation insurance – call Mark for cancellation details.